Dec. 1, 2011 Mexican Visitors to Arizona: Visitor Characteristics and Economic Impacts, 2007-08 The largest economic impact of Mexican visitor spending occurred in Pima County which receives 41.21 percent of the total job impact, 37.68 percent of the total sales
June 1, 2013 Fresh Produce and Production Sharing: Bi-National Business Linkages Associated with Foundations and Opportunities for Nogales and Santa Cruz County Every 100 direct jobs in the fresh produce industry generate an additional 52 jobs...
March 12, 2015 Extending the Border Zone to the Entire State of Arizona: Estimated Expenditures and Economic Impact Simulations, 2013‐2016 Extending the border zone will affect more than 1 million Mexican visitors who have been issued a BCC over the last 10 years in Nogales and Hermosillo, the two closest cities to Arizona located in the state of Sonora
June 6, 2016 Mexican Avocados Rule and Nogales Loses Top Spot (or Holy Guacamole Texas Takes a Triple Dip)
March 11, 2016 Nogales, Arizona: Still the Main Gateway for Fresh Produce from Mexico? Arizona’s Nogales port of entry held a century-old position as the major entry point for fresh produce from Mexico to the U.S.
March 30, 2015 IMMEX – Mexico’s Export-Oriented Manufacturing and Services The IMMEX sector is the second most important source of foreign currency in Mexico after revenues from the exportation of crude oil.
April 8, 2014 Maquiladora Related Economy of Nogales and Santa Cruz County Since its inception in mid-1960s, the maquiladora sector has become the major engine of economic development in Nogales, Sonora.