Explore the $volume of U.S. exports and imports traveling through Arizona's border ports of entry and compare to trade volumes at competing ports in other states.
Why track commodity flows?
Arizona-Sonora border ports of entry (BPOE) play a pivotal role in facilitating trade between Arizona and Mexico and are important to trade activity across the U.S. The export/import transport of goods through BPOE are referred to as "commodity flows." The north/south flow of goods through Arizona's BPOE gauges the dynamism of local border-specific economies and is a powerful indicator of how well Arizona takes advantage of its key position in the North American production sharing system. Physical and human infrastructure capacity and investment in border ports are also reflected in commodity flow dynamics.
Some of the top states exporting/importing goods via Arizona BPOE include: Arizona, California, Michigan, Texas, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Ohio, Kentucky, and Washington, and top importing states include Michigan, Arizona, California, Illinois, Utah, New Jersey, Florida, Connecticut, and Texas.
We track and provide data separately for Southbound Commodity Flows (U.S. Exports to Mexico) and Northbound Commodity Flows (U.S. Imports from Mexico).
U.S. Exports to Mexico
Find annual and monthly data by border port of entry for:
- Total U.S. Exports
- Electric and Electronic Products
- Machinery and Equipment
U.S. Imports from Mexico
Find annual and monthly data by border port of entry for:
- Total U.S. Imports by BPOE
- Electric and Electronic Products
- Machinery and Equipment
- Agricultural Products