U.S. Imports from Mexico by Port of Entry

Northbound Commodity Flows by Border Port of Entry

Track the $U.S. value of goods traveling northbound into the U.S. from Mexico by border port of entry (BPOE). We provide data for each of Arizona's BPOE, the Nogales District Total (sum of Arizona's BPOE) and for BPOE in other states that compete with Arizona for business.

Arizona's Performance

To make comparisons use your cursor as a tooltip and click titles on/off at the bottom of each chart.

The monthly data in the chart below allows us to see COVID-19 impacts on commodity flows. 


How Competitive is Arizona?

This chart compares growth rates at competing major Southern BPOE. Setting all things equal in 2003, the chart displays growth over the timeframe. This method controls for size and so allows the user to assess relative performance over time. The Santa Teresa BPOE in New Mexico has experienced dramatic investment and growth during this timeframe and is switch-off in this chart because it swamps the other information. But, you can use your cursor as a tool tip and switch it on/off by clicking the title at the bottom of the chart.


Monthly and Annual Data by BPOE and Export Category

Arizona Border Ports

  • Douglas
  • Lukeville
  • Naco
  • Nogales
  • Phoenix
  • San Luis
  • Sasabe
  • Tucson
  • All Arizona BPOE (Nogales District) Total


Competitor Border Ports in Other States

  • Calexico, CA
  • Otay Mesa, CA
  • Santa Teresa, NM
  • El Paso, TX
  • Hidalgo, TX
  • Laredo, TX
  • All Southern Border Port Total