June 9, 2023 Nogales, Arizona – The First and for a Long Time the Only – Gateway for Fresh Produce from Mexico
March 21, 2023 The “Mystery” at the El Paso Port New Ysleta port complicates analysis of El Paso trade flows
June 1, 2013 Fresh Produce and Production Sharing: Bi-National Business Linkages Associated with Foundations and Opportunities for Nogales and Santa Cruz County Every 100 direct jobs in the fresh produce industry generate an additional 52 jobs...
June 6, 2016 Mexican Avocados Rule and Nogales Loses Top Spot (or Holy Guacamole Texas Takes a Triple Dip)
March 11, 2016 Nogales, Arizona: Still the Main Gateway for Fresh Produce from Mexico? Arizona’s Nogales port of entry held a century-old position as the major entry point for fresh produce from Mexico to the U.S.