trade matters.
Track Arizona's trade and competitiveness in the U.S.-Mexico border region.

Find the latest data and analysis benchmarking Arizona's trade relationships with Mexico and Canada to other southern border states and the nation.
Articles, News and Research
Monthly Updates
Visualize and Download the Latest Data
Monthly and annual data for Arizona, California, New Mexico, Texas, and the U.S.
- Total exports to Mexico and Canada
- Manufacturing exports to Mexico and Canada
- U.S. dollar/Mexican peso exchange rate
Also find export shares for each state and percent changes.
Monthly and annual data for Arizona, California, New Mexico, Texas, and the U.S.
- Total imports to Mexico and Canada
- Manufacturing imports to Mexico and Canada
Also find import shares for each state and percent changes.
Commodity Flows
Monthly and annual data for U.S. exports and imports traveling to and from Mexico via Arizona's border ports of entry (BPOE) and at competing border ports in California, New Mexico, and Texas.
- Total U.S. Imports and Exports by BPOE
- Electric and Electronic Products
- Machinery and Equipment
- Agricultural Products
Border Crossings
Monthly and annual data for northbound border crossings from Mexico via Arizona's border ports of entry and at competing border ports in California, New Mexico, and Texas.
- Pedestrians
- Personal Vehicles
- Personal Vehicle Passengers
- Trucks
- Trains
Border Economy
Latest data on important sectors supporting export-based economies in the U.S. and Mexico border states. Follow foreign direct investment in Mexico's border states.
- IMMEX Employment
- Manufacturing Employment
- Foreign Direct Investment
Arizona-Mexico Tourism
Track important indicators of trend for Arizona-Mexico tourism. Indicators include
- Arizona Tourism Cost Index
- Exchange Rates
- Hotel/Motel Taxable Sales
- Accommodation Sector Employment
- Pedestrian and Personal Vehicle Border Crossings
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This site is produced and maintained by the Economic and Business Research Center in the Eller College of Management at the University of Arizona.